
Planning pre-application customer service guide


Pre-application advice can only be offered based upon information that has been seen and considered by the case officer. The customer must ensure that all relevant information has been provided.

Where the customer is meeting with the case officer, information must be provided a minimum of 10 working days in advance. The case officer will not comment on any information that the customer does not provide in line with these timescales.

Please note significant changes to the scheme will not be accepted and will require a new pre-application enquiry.

Customers may also provide accompanying documents to further help explain their development proposals. At minimum, the customer is asked to provide a location plan with the site outlined in red and any known environmental constraints marked (e.g. existing trees, levels, and water management issues such as flood plains, culverted water courses, etc) in 1:1250 or 1:2500 scale.

Information to be provided with the completed request form:

  • Location plan with red line (1:500 or 1:250 scale) (required)
  • Block plan (1:500 or 1:250 scale) (required)
  • Existing / proposed elevations (1:100 or 1:50 scale)
  • Existing / proposed floor plans (1:100 or 1:50 scale)
  • Draft outline design / access statement

The completed form and the accompanying documents should be submitted by email


Accompanying documents should be in PDF format and altogether be no more than 10 MB in file size