
Leith Connections

The Experimental Traffic Order (ETRO) process

An Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) is a legal mechanism used to introduce trial changes to the layout of a road for a limited period of 18 months.

The legal power to use an ETRO comes from the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Council follows the process set out in The Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 1999.

An ETRO may be used to introduce restrictions or prohibitions on

  • parking
  • loading
  • movement of certain vehicles such as general traffic but maintaining access for buses, taxis, cycles and emergency services.

ETROs can remain in place for a maximum of 18 months while we monitor and assess the effects.

What changes are part of the ETRO

We are keen to hear your feedback on all parts of the project and your feedback is key to the  monitoring and evaluation of the project. Some of the changes have been introduced as part of the ETRO process and these are:

  • prohibition to motor vehicles at Tolbooth Wynd/ Water Street junction
  • making Tolbooth Wynd two way operation
  • prohibition to motor vehicles at Wellington Place/ John’s Place junction
  • westbound bus lane/ bus gate on Links Place
  • contraflow cycling on one way streets within the area - Water Street, Carpet Lane, Giles Street, Spier's Place, Maritime Lane, Seaport Street.
  • restrictions on waiting and loading associated with new pavement buildouts

Statutory consultation period

From 9 October 2023 until 8 April 2024, any member of the public or organisation was able to make comments about the trial measures in the ETRO.

The Scottish Government process for ETROs states that a public consultation must run for six months and begin when the ETRO starts.

We will monitor the effects of the changes throughout the trial period. In line with the ETRO process, within 18 months a decision will be made on whether to make the changes permanent.

If you have comments or suggestions about other aspects of the project please contact leithconnections@edinburgh.gov.uk

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Contact the team

Email us with any questions or comments.