
Leith Connections

How we have engaged with the community

What you told us

  • 69% of respondents to our original survey felt that traffic levels were too high and 57% felt that traffic speeds were too high on their street.
  • during market research last summer over three quarters of people said that motor vehicle traffic was an issue in the area.
  • our research also showed significant disagreement that there are enough places to sit and relax in Leith.

How we engaged

At early development stages, we held workshops with stakeholders to identify key active travel movements and barriers in the area. This helped us identify the preferred Foot of the Walk to Ocean Terminal route. 

Stakeholders included

  • local residents
  • council ward elected members
  • emergency services
  • local schools
  • Lothian Buses
  • local businesses
  • religious institutions
  • representatives of taxi companies
  • representatives of motorcyclist groups
  • local resident groups
  • local disability groups         

February to March 2021

We gathered your feedback on the concept design proposals for the cycle route. We also asked questions about your travel within the area to help develop the low traffic neighbourhood proposal.

June to July 2021

We had further engagement with the community and stakeholders to develop the design of the low traffic neighbourhood and public realm improvements.

These conversations highlighted that reductions to through traffic would make the area safer and more pleasant to travel through and spend time in.

Summer 2022

We shared our proposals for improvements to the public realm and active travel provision between Hawthornvale Path and Seafield through Bernard Street.

During these engagement periods we have

  • delivered over 15000 leaflets to all residential and business properties in the area
  • advertised proposals through lamppost wraps, social media and press articles
  • engaged with the Community Council, local community and accessibility groups to promote the project and listen to feedback
  • held drop-in sessions to view the proposals and meet the project team
  • visited businesses and undertaken surveys to discuss the project and loading needs
  • met with stakeholders from a variety of projects and organisations
  • agreed plans with the emergency services
  • conducted on street market research to get the view of residents and visitors on the proposals
  • discussed issues at focus groups
  • completed integrated impact assessments (IIA) which will continue to be reviewed throughout the duration of the project.

October 2023 - April 2024

We ran a six month Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) consultation period where anyone could comment on the trial measures introduced. We publicised the consultation by letter drops across the project area, social media, lamppost wraps, posters and engagement with stakeholder and community groups.

October 2024 - November 2024

We ran a further community and stakeholder engagement exercise on the designs for the Hawthornvale to Seafield route. The results will be published shortly.


Leith Connections logo

Contact the team

Email us with any questions or comments.