
Videos to support wellbeing for children at secondary school

Dealing with anxiety and difficult thoughts

We are not our thoughts

We all have a mixture of thoughts and feelings every day and often they can affect how we feel and what we do. In this short film hear we are reminded that ‘we are not our thoughts’. Understanding that our thoughts are not facts can help us feel more in control of our thoughts. Being more aware of our thoughts is key element of mindfulness based approaches. 

Nurturing the positive

Mindfulness is an approach that many people find helpful for understanding and accepting their experiences and feelings. It helps you to notice and accept your feelings but not feel controlled by them. Watch this short animation on how mindfulness approaches can be helpful.

The cycle of anxiety 

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an approach that helps us to understand how our thoughts, feelings and behaviours are connected. Sometimes this can become an unhelpful cycle that can make our anxieties of worries worse. This short film introduces us to the cycle of anxiety and how CBT techniques could help.

Understanding thinking traps 

Cognitive Behavioural Therapists will often support a person to identify their ‘thinking traps’. We all have some are yours ‘the downer’, ‘blowing things up’, ‘predicting failure’, ‘feeling thoughts’ ‘setting yourself up to fail’ or ‘blame me’? Watch this film to find out more. Identifying negative thoughts falling into a thinking trap.

Catching negative thoughts

Most of us struggle with negative thoughts from time to time. Sometimes they can begin to take over and you might want to try an approach to challenging them. Watch this short film on using a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach to catching and challenging negative thoughts.