Energy Advice Service for Council tenants
If you’re a Council tenant and struggling with the cost of keeping your home warm, or are worried about your heating and electricity costs, our Energy Advice service can help.
The Energy Advice Service for Council tenants is provided by Changeworks, a Scottish environmental charity which has been giving expert advice and support to people across Scotland for over 30 years. Their advice is free, confidential and impartial and helps our tenants reduce energy bills and have warmer homes.
Changeworks advisors can help you
- check if you’re eligible and apply for the
- understand and check your gas / electricity bills
- choose a gas / electricity supplier, tariff and payment option
- negotiate with energy suppliers on your behalf to resolve gas and electricity billing problems, including incorrect bills
- agree repayment options if you owe money to your supplier
- read your meters
- get the most out of your heating and hot water system
- reduce condensation in your home.
Contact the Energy Advice Service
Telephone: 0800 870 8800
Energy saving tips
Central Heating
Storage heaters
If you are not a tenant of the Council you can get advice about heating, energy tariffs and discounts and saving energy in your home by phoning for free on 0808 808 2282 or .
If you have any queries about benefits or have concerns about debts, the may be able to help.
Call 0131 200 2360 or email