
Safety First - close the bridge! - Petitions (Closed)

Petition details
In August 2017, the new Boroughmuir High School will be fully opened. Since it was commissioned and planning consent granted, it has become increasingly apparent that the travel to school arrangements, with almost all students funnelling down the bottom part of Viewforth means that the stretch of street leading up to the bridge creates a real pinch point while through traffic continues to be allowed access to the bridge. Over the last two years, a number of factors have changed: the rising roll at the school, coupled with the need for an overspill annex at Darroch; the experience of the bridge being closed for works; and rising concern among residents at St Peter’s Place about the combination of through traffic and increased footfall. Furthermore, since the school plans were approved there is new housing in Horne Terrace and the masterplan for the canalside to the east of Viewforth has been approved, including some 400 or so new dwellings.
In light of those changes this petition calls for a rethink of the role of Viewforth Bridge, with a view to it being closed to vehicular traffic, allowing access only to pedestrians, mobility devices and bicycles. Therefore we call for an assessment of the impact of that change to be prepared and submitted to the council, taking account of the impact on adjacent and parallel streets, on improved resident amenity and on school student safety; and on access to the school.
Petition Status
Petition submitted by (Business or Individual)
Name of petitioner
Miss Jacqueline Whymark
Opening date
Closing date
Total signatories
Petition Outcome
The Petitions Committee on 23 Janaury 2017 agreed:1) To thank the Principal Petitioner for raising the issues contained within thepetition.2) To agree to refer the petition to the Transport and Environment Committee forconsideration with a recommendation that members visit the area to observe theissues raised3) To ask that additional information, including the unintended consequences ofchanges to the existing traffic management arrangements around ViewforthBridge, be attached to the referral report.
Further Action
This petition was considered further at the Transport and Environment Committee on 21 March 2017.
1) <a href="http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/meetings/meeting/4165/petitions_committee "> Transport and Environment Committee on 21 March 2017</a>