
Redesign the traffic light priorities at Junction of Slateford Road and Shandon Place - Petitions (Closed)

Petition details
The current traffic light set up at the junction prioritises cars along Slateford Road in a way that is dangerous for pedestrians and confusing for car drivers.
The junction is a route to Craiglockhart School for children in the catchment area, for nursery children to Tynecastle Nursery and secondary students to Tynecastle High School. It is a route for pedestrians from Shandon to the shops along Gorgie Road and to the bus stop into town on Slateford Road.

Local residents who use the junction daily see near misses of pedestrians caused by driverss going through red lights on a regular basis. The design of the lights means car drivers can easily misunderstand the priorities and go through a red light without realising it.

This happens with drivers:
1) travelling East along Slateford Road, putting the pedestrians crossing Slateford Road at risk - these near misses happen at the fastest speed.
2) turning right from Slateford Road into Shandon Place - cars don't realise there is a turning light.
3) turning left from Slateford Road into Shandon Place - cars don't realise there is a filter light if the Shandon Place pedestrian crossing has been activated. Car drivers and cyclists who are obeying this light can have driverss behind them blowing their horns or even be overtaken by drivers not understanding the lights.
Petition Status
Petition submitted by (Business or Individual)
Name of petitioner
Nuala Fahey
Opening date
Closing date
Total signatories
Petition Outcome
This petition will be considered at the Transport and Environment Committee on 10 August 2017