
Improve the original/current traffic calming measures in Rosshill Terrace, South Queensferry to make them fit for purpose for this 20mph zone. - Petitions (Closed)

Petition details
• Mainly terraced cottage in this narrow residential road are in a conservation area.• Only a narrow pavement on one side to enable pedestrian to access local amenities / public transport
• Drivers travel to/from all local areas / amenities, Dalmeny Station and A90 via Rosshill Terrace.
• Safety / wellbeing of residents being compromised.
• Majority of road users significantly exceed 20 MPH and driver furstation is growing. Gradula increase in traffic volume exacerbated by recent housing development / A90 pressures.
• Houses on Rosshill Terrace experience vibration / increased noise levels.
We propose the Council take the following actions in response to our concerns:
1. Clear and visible signage
• More 20MPH signage painted on roads.
• Signage immediately after roundabout (eastbound)
• Install vehicle activated sign indicating ‘slow down’
• Remove greenery obscuring signage

2. Road surface improvement
• Street used as overflow car park for Dalmeny Station resulting in road traffic only able to use W to E side of Road Mon-Fri causing excessive wear and tear to road surface including speed humps.

3. Junction Safety – improve visibility
• Install mirrors for drivers exiting Forth Terrace / Bankhead Grove onto Rosshill Terrace.

4. Pedestrian Safety crossing to railway platforms/bus stops.
• Extend double yellow lines form 16 Rosshill Terrace to Railway Station car park entrance.
• Install additional pedestrian warning signs.

5. Traffic monitoring.
• Install sensors to monitor traffic on Rosshill Terrace and use collected data to illustrate/inform necessary improvements to traffic calming measures.
6. Work in partnership with Police Scotland to address the issues highlighted in this petition.
Petition Status
Pending Consideration at the Transport and Environment Committee
Petition submitted by (Business or Individual)
Name of petitioner
Frances Kirkwood
Opening date
Closing date
Total signatories