
Change the name of St Johns Hill car park to Viewcraig Gardens Car Park. - Petitions (Closed)

Petition details
St Johns Hill car park operated by NCP was opened in 1998. The car park was part of a development of social housing, student housing, and supported accommodation. The car park is below the street called St Johns Hill and is entered in Viewcraig Gardens.
The problem is that there is confusion about how to enter the car park. There is a road sign on the Pleasance for St Johns Hill car park which directs traffic into my street. This means that there is considerable more traffic in the street than there should be. Obviously, this means the residents experience more traffic noise and air pollution than they should and less access to car parking. Furthermore, there is increased risk to young children and pets in the street.

Viewcraig Gardens is entered through Holyrood Road. There is a sign for St Johns Hill on Holyrood Road. I have had experience on more than one occasion of calling for a taxi only to find that the driver goes into Viewcraig Gardens believing it is St Johns Hill.

I contacted NCP to highlight this issue and they changed the name to Holyrood Road Car Park. The signage in the area however still refers to St Johns Hill Car Park, which must cause confusion. The signage needs to be changed to Holyrood Road Car Park.
Petition submitted by (Business or Individual)
Name of petitioner
Mr Stephen McMurray
Opening date
Closing date
Total signatories
Petition Outcome
The Petitions Committee was unable to consider this petition as the minimum number of signatures was not been reached.A petition requires at least 200 signatures before it can be considered by the Petitions Committee. Petitions which refer to a local issue can be considered by the Committee at the discretion of the Convener if they have more than 50 signatures.