
Contact Building Standards

Check our frequently asked questions as these may help to answer your query.

If you have an enquiry about a current Building Warrant, please email the relevant technical team and we will aim to respond within 10 working days.

Major Applications team

We process applications for plan assessment and site inspection where the estimated value of works exceeds £250,000 for large or complex construction projects. The team also process all applications in relation to new build housing sites. Email Building Standards major applications with any queries buildingstandards.majorapplications@edinburgh.gov.uk.

Plan Reporting team

We carry out the assessment of Building Warrant applications with an estimated value of works up to £250,000. Email Building Standards plan reporting with any queries buildingstandards.planreporting@edinburgh.gov.uk.

Site Inspections team

We deal with inspections at the interim or completion stage for all projects with an estimated value of works up to £250,000. Email Building Standards site inspections with any queries buildingstandards.siteinspections@edinburgh.gov.uk.

General enquiries

If you have a general enquiry not relating to a current Building Warrant, please email general enquiries with your question and we will aim to respond within 10 working days BuildingStandards.Response@edinburgh.gov.uk.


If we fail to respond to your enquiry within 10 working days please follow up your enquiry via email to the same mailbox and include the word “Escalation” at the end of your wording in the subject line. This will help us to track any previous enquiry and escalate it to the relevant team manager. Should this fail to provide a reply please see our complaints procedures below.


Contact the Building Standards service daily between 9am and 1pm on 0131 529 3550.

National customer satisfaction survey

Your views are important to us, please take a moment to share your experience in the .

Complaints, compliments or comments

If you wish to make a complaint, compliment or comment email Building Standards VIP buildingstandards.vip@edinburgh.gov.uk.